FAQ & Policies
The program coordinator will review course enrollment to ensure classes have met the minimum enrollment requirement. Courses that do not meet the minimum enrollment of students course will be canceled. Parents/Guardians will be notified by email and a refund will be issued.
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What is the minimum course enrollment requirement?
Children will meet virtually on Saturdays and Sundays. All you children will need is their device, headphones, writing book, stylist, and pencils.
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How does Mind of a Child work?
The class fee is $270 (including a nonrefundable $20 registration fee) for 10 sessions. We are offering a discount for siblings of 10% when you register for one class.
We also offering discounts when you register your child for two classes. Each class will cost you $250, a total of $500.00.
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What is the cost of the Reading and Math program?
Does MOAC offer refunds?
Registration fee is non-refundable. A 75% refund can only be provided after the student has attended the first class. Once the student has proceeded to participate in the following classes, there will be no refund.
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Request to withdraw from a course must be made in writing one week prior to the start of the class session. Exceptions can be reviewed.
Am I allowed to withdraw my child?
Class size will be limited to a maximum of 12 participants (with rare exceptions)
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What is the class placement and size?
The expectation is that students will take responsibility for their own behavior and act appropriately during class to foster a positive learning environment for all students. If a student becomes disruptive, a warning will be issued to the student and parent/guardian on the day of the infraction. If the inappropriate behavior recurs in a second session, the child will be removed from class and the parent will be notified. Should there be a third infraction, the student will be removed from the program due to inappropriate behavior and a refund will not be provided. Our hope is never to have to proceed with removing any child.
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What is the minimum course enrollment requirement?
Will there be testing of Children?
Your child will not be tested but will have assessments at the end of each session. A written report will be sent to you. We encourage parents to ask any questions pertaining to their child's progress.
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The class fee is $200 per month. We are offering a discount for siblings of 10% when you register for one class.
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What the Cost for the Test Prep Program
What areas does the Test Prep Program Cover?
The College Test Prep Program will be covering the reading in evidence, writing, and language. This class will be taught for 2 hours with a 10 minutes break on Sundays.